Saturday, December 27, 2008
I almost think it's worthy!!!
12Our approved/proposed system is to make an error free payroll system as an alternative for Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) old system which is manually inputted in MS Excel. We can say that it’s not that hard to make it nor also easy to implement the system that we are going to make. I can only say that if this project will be done correctly and accordingly I think it’s a big contribution to my experience and learning because our group works hard on this project. Also it’s better to start with a simple proposed project rather than making some super hard ones because we’re not that professionals that can settled down systems in a short time, our mind are still growing and we need more experience and our time to comply is limited only for several months. I think it’s worthy…
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What are the two most frequently experienced causes of frustration in IS professionals and users while working on an IS plan?
I can’t find the exact answer to the questions but I guess I will have my own opinion regarding these major causes of frustration in Information System professionals and users while working on IS plan. The first thing that coming to my mind is that one of the problems is the user and the developer doesn’t communicate well or understand each other well. The main reason I guess is that usually the user doesn’t have any specific background regarding making an IS plan or worst the user don’t really know what and IS plan all about. If this will occur at most cases the developer will have to explain all in a sudden about the plan and they will end up arguing to each other because of the conflicts of ideas…mostly if the developer will be assigned or handle the things it will have bigger chance of being a bossy and to oblige violations and user will oppose for that manner…and it is frustrating to see that projects will have to be delayed because of this issue…so I will have to suggest that in making an IS plan with a user the user should some basic responsibilities. Not just taking up a project without any background…I suggest that user should know his responsibilities like Learn basic computer skills in order to understand the basic of IS plan. Learn standard techniques and procedures for using application, the user must know how to use a certain applications how to deal with it. The user should know the basic of security, how to deal with password protections. He should know how to back up files for certain emergency needs. Use computer resource according organization policies. Install authorized software with license or an out-source softwares. He should also know how to apply software patches and fixes. Actively participate in defining the requirements for new systems especially the one on the IS plan. Avoid reporting trivial problems because if not it will cause frustration to the developer.
According to an article that I’ve read regarding conflicts between IS professionals and user is the lack of priorities among the subjects of moral obligations. Obligation to one party may collide with obligation to another party. Protecting one’s employer’s interests may harm the public; protecting a colleague’s interests may contradict obligations to one’s employer; etc.
For example, consider this scenario. A programmer working for a consulting firm is involved in a large project for a client. The programmer comes to realize that some of the code she is developing will not be compatible with other systems employed by the client. When she brings the new facts to the employer, he demands that she follow his instructions. Her responsibility to the employer is to obey the instructions. However, her obligation to the client is to inform him about the incompatibility. The programmer is faced with an ethical dilemma to which there is no solution in any of the above ethical codes. The codes require that the member not divulge confidential information of the client. Now, let’s assume that in the course of the member’s work, the member received information of acts committed by the client, or the employer, that could harm the public. Should the member abide by the rule? Should he or she be “more ethical” toward the public, or toward the employer or client? These questions are some of the very confusing and frustrating to answer. A conflict should not always be resolved in favor of the same constituent. Each case should be carefully examined by the individual before making a decision, and the responsibility of judgment should rest with the individual. Still, a code of ethics should try to help make the judgment.
According also to the article that I have read there are lot of attitudes that can cause frustration between the relationships of IS professionals and users. According to their test they examined how IS-staffs and users feel to each other. The first one is the negative attitude of both parties regarding agreeing and disagreeing although it is an individual problems. Next is the feeling of being threatened. The findings suggested that the more common explanations of the reasons behind user-IS problems may need to be reinterpreted. Communication gaps, personality clashes, or misalignment of goals may be superficial manifestations of an underlying power of relationship rather than causes of the problem. If their unequal access to power is a common cause of user - IS problems, attempts to identify solutions will have little effect on the basic relationship unless the balance of power between the groups is somehow altered. I found out that the only if users were able to exert influence in the systems development process was participation effective in reducing conflict.
To avoid this conflicts that causes frustration between IS professionals and user, they should know their own capability before making the entire plan…they should question their own selves if they can handle it together. The IS-professionals and users should have formal relationships to each other; there should be policies that give one group the ability to command actions during the development of the plan. If the user don’t know or doesn’t understand about the system the IS professional has a responsibility to share and to give the scope of the system and to explain it further. Typically, practical solutions to this problem have focused on specific problems in specific contexts and have ignored the group relationship itself. IS professionals especially, have tended to look at good individual and project relations, and then wondered why user’s attitudes were still so negative. I suggest that if the problem of poor user - IS relationships to be adequately addressed , it must be treated as a problem between organizational groups, since this relationship affects all other contexts in which users and IS people interact. In this solution problems may easily be fix because they will meet the problem as a whole not individually.
The User/Information Systems Relationship: A Study in Power and Attitudes.pdf
Ethical Standards for IS professionals.pdf
According to an article that I’ve read regarding conflicts between IS professionals and user is the lack of priorities among the subjects of moral obligations. Obligation to one party may collide with obligation to another party. Protecting one’s employer’s interests may harm the public; protecting a colleague’s interests may contradict obligations to one’s employer; etc.
For example, consider this scenario. A programmer working for a consulting firm is involved in a large project for a client. The programmer comes to realize that some of the code she is developing will not be compatible with other systems employed by the client. When she brings the new facts to the employer, he demands that she follow his instructions. Her responsibility to the employer is to obey the instructions. However, her obligation to the client is to inform him about the incompatibility. The programmer is faced with an ethical dilemma to which there is no solution in any of the above ethical codes. The codes require that the member not divulge confidential information of the client. Now, let’s assume that in the course of the member’s work, the member received information of acts committed by the client, or the employer, that could harm the public. Should the member abide by the rule? Should he or she be “more ethical” toward the public, or toward the employer or client? These questions are some of the very confusing and frustrating to answer. A conflict should not always be resolved in favor of the same constituent. Each case should be carefully examined by the individual before making a decision, and the responsibility of judgment should rest with the individual. Still, a code of ethics should try to help make the judgment.
According also to the article that I have read there are lot of attitudes that can cause frustration between the relationships of IS professionals and users. According to their test they examined how IS-staffs and users feel to each other. The first one is the negative attitude of both parties regarding agreeing and disagreeing although it is an individual problems. Next is the feeling of being threatened. The findings suggested that the more common explanations of the reasons behind user-IS problems may need to be reinterpreted. Communication gaps, personality clashes, or misalignment of goals may be superficial manifestations of an underlying power of relationship rather than causes of the problem. If their unequal access to power is a common cause of user - IS problems, attempts to identify solutions will have little effect on the basic relationship unless the balance of power between the groups is somehow altered. I found out that the only if users were able to exert influence in the systems development process was participation effective in reducing conflict.
To avoid this conflicts that causes frustration between IS professionals and user, they should know their own capability before making the entire plan…they should question their own selves if they can handle it together. The IS-professionals and users should have formal relationships to each other; there should be policies that give one group the ability to command actions during the development of the plan. If the user don’t know or doesn’t understand about the system the IS professional has a responsibility to share and to give the scope of the system and to explain it further. Typically, practical solutions to this problem have focused on specific problems in specific contexts and have ignored the group relationship itself. IS professionals especially, have tended to look at good individual and project relations, and then wondered why user’s attitudes were still so negative. I suggest that if the problem of poor user - IS relationships to be adequately addressed , it must be treated as a problem between organizational groups, since this relationship affects all other contexts in which users and IS people interact. In this solution problems may easily be fix because they will meet the problem as a whole not individually.
The User/Information Systems Relationship: A Study in Power and Attitudes.pdf
Ethical Standards for IS professionals.pdf
What should be the nature of the relationship between the business plan and the IS plan?
To understand further the nature of the relationship between the business plan and information system plan lets just define each one of them to know their functions and to relate them
A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.
The business goals being attempted may be for-profit or non-profit. For-profit business plans typically focus on financial goals. Non-profit and government agency business plans tend to focus on service goals, although non-profits may also focus on maximizing profit. Business plans may also target changes in perception and branding by the customer, client, tax-payer, or larger community. A business plan having changes in perception and branding as its primary goals is called a marketing plan.
Business plans may be internally or externally focused. Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders. They typically have detailed information about the organization or team attempting to reach the goals. With for-profit entities, external stakeholders include investors and customers. External stake-holders of non-profits include donors and the clients of the non-profit's services. For government agencies, external stakeholders include tax-payers, higher-level government agencies, and international lending bodies such as the IMF, the World Bank, various economic agencies of the UN, and development banks.
Internally focused business plans target intermediate goals required to reach the external goals. They may cover the development of a new product, a new service, a new IT system, a restructuring of finance, the refurbishing of a factory or a restructuring of the organization. An internal business plan is often developed in conjunction with a balanced scorecard or a list of critical success factors. This allows success of the plan to be measured using non-financial measures. Business plans that identify and target internal goals, but provide only general guidance on how they will be met are called strategic plans.
An information system plan (ISP) is also a formal statement but as of a set of the systems goal, in other words it is a plan that determines the sequence for implementing specific information systems. The goal of the strategy is to have more beneficiary features to the user or to a company.
Once deployed, the information systems department can implement the plan with confidence that they are doing the correct information systems project at the right time and in the right sequence.
The focus of the ISP is not one information system but the entire suite of information systems for the enterprise. Once developed, each identified information system is seen in context with all other information systems within the enterprise.
There are a lot of steps involved to consider in following or making an ISP. You should follow it in order to avoid further distractions and confusions.
If the pundits are to be believed, that is, that the right information at the right time is the competitive edge, then paying for an information systems plan that is accurate, repeatable, and reliable is a small price indeed! The price however, for traditionally accomplished ISPs is not small. A fair sized IBM’s Business, Business Systems Plan (BSP), or a James Martin’s System’s Data Planning (SDP) or Finkelstein’s Strategic Management Planning n (SMP) can take up to 40,000 staff hours ($4,000,000). Traditional ISPs are also inaccurate, can't afford to be repeated, and are out of date well before they are completed. Most ISPs, done the expensive and traditional way are never completed!
Now we already understand the meaning of each plan we can now tell the nature of relationship between BP and ISP. For a short recall business plan is composed of the company’s plan including its goal that should be for-profit or not-profit.
Today, enterprise database is deployed on distributed, heterogeneous hardware and systems software environments. The hardware platforms are both multiple-vendor and multi-tiered, with different architectures. In short, most businesses have embraced some form of downsizing, decentralization, and distributed processing. In order to attain such needs business plan should be merging to information system plan to develop a project that will affect the business survival. ISP will fetch the BP problems and conduct it. We can call it Business Information Systems the exact and complete details about the information needed about the systems and the business itself.
Business information systems change at a rate different from database objects or business missions. It is because of these different rates that each column is independent from each other. The goal is to encapsulate the internal designs of columns and to insulate them from the effects of design changes to other columns. Because of encapsulation, only when the business organizations change to the extent that they need additional or different business functions are business functions impacted. The most common changes are those that cause business functions to be either transferred from or into different business organizations. Those changes seldom ever impact business information systems. The only business organization changes that impact business information systems are those that typically occur after there has been a business mission change. Finally, database objects change only when missions change.
There are a lot of things that we will consider such as enterprises do not have models of information systems development that allow system designers to see the benefits of rearranging an information systems development schedule. In making an IS plan there are five major questions that cannot be answer:
1. What effect will there be on the overall schedule if an information system is purchased versus developed?
2. At what point does it pay to hire an abnormal quantity of contract staff to advance a schedule?
3. What is the long term benefit from 4GL versus 3GL?
4. Is it better to generate 3GL than to generate/use a 4GL?
5. What are the real costs of distributed software development over centralized development?
If these questions were transformed and applied to any other component of a business (e.g., accounting, manufacturing, distribution and marketing), and remained unanswered, that unit's manager would surely be fired!
Whitemarsh - Information Systems Plan Book.pdf
A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.
The business goals being attempted may be for-profit or non-profit. For-profit business plans typically focus on financial goals. Non-profit and government agency business plans tend to focus on service goals, although non-profits may also focus on maximizing profit. Business plans may also target changes in perception and branding by the customer, client, tax-payer, or larger community. A business plan having changes in perception and branding as its primary goals is called a marketing plan.
Business plans may be internally or externally focused. Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders. They typically have detailed information about the organization or team attempting to reach the goals. With for-profit entities, external stakeholders include investors and customers. External stake-holders of non-profits include donors and the clients of the non-profit's services. For government agencies, external stakeholders include tax-payers, higher-level government agencies, and international lending bodies such as the IMF, the World Bank, various economic agencies of the UN, and development banks.
Internally focused business plans target intermediate goals required to reach the external goals. They may cover the development of a new product, a new service, a new IT system, a restructuring of finance, the refurbishing of a factory or a restructuring of the organization. An internal business plan is often developed in conjunction with a balanced scorecard or a list of critical success factors. This allows success of the plan to be measured using non-financial measures. Business plans that identify and target internal goals, but provide only general guidance on how they will be met are called strategic plans.
An information system plan (ISP) is also a formal statement but as of a set of the systems goal, in other words it is a plan that determines the sequence for implementing specific information systems. The goal of the strategy is to have more beneficiary features to the user or to a company.
Once deployed, the information systems department can implement the plan with confidence that they are doing the correct information systems project at the right time and in the right sequence.
The focus of the ISP is not one information system but the entire suite of information systems for the enterprise. Once developed, each identified information system is seen in context with all other information systems within the enterprise.
There are a lot of steps involved to consider in following or making an ISP. You should follow it in order to avoid further distractions and confusions.
If the pundits are to be believed, that is, that the right information at the right time is the competitive edge, then paying for an information systems plan that is accurate, repeatable, and reliable is a small price indeed! The price however, for traditionally accomplished ISPs is not small. A fair sized IBM’s Business, Business Systems Plan (BSP), or a James Martin’s System’s Data Planning (SDP) or Finkelstein’s Strategic Management Planning n (SMP) can take up to 40,000 staff hours ($4,000,000). Traditional ISPs are also inaccurate, can't afford to be repeated, and are out of date well before they are completed. Most ISPs, done the expensive and traditional way are never completed!
Now we already understand the meaning of each plan we can now tell the nature of relationship between BP and ISP. For a short recall business plan is composed of the company’s plan including its goal that should be for-profit or not-profit.
Today, enterprise database is deployed on distributed, heterogeneous hardware and systems software environments. The hardware platforms are both multiple-vendor and multi-tiered, with different architectures. In short, most businesses have embraced some form of downsizing, decentralization, and distributed processing. In order to attain such needs business plan should be merging to information system plan to develop a project that will affect the business survival. ISP will fetch the BP problems and conduct it. We can call it Business Information Systems the exact and complete details about the information needed about the systems and the business itself.
Business information systems change at a rate different from database objects or business missions. It is because of these different rates that each column is independent from each other. The goal is to encapsulate the internal designs of columns and to insulate them from the effects of design changes to other columns. Because of encapsulation, only when the business organizations change to the extent that they need additional or different business functions are business functions impacted. The most common changes are those that cause business functions to be either transferred from or into different business organizations. Those changes seldom ever impact business information systems. The only business organization changes that impact business information systems are those that typically occur after there has been a business mission change. Finally, database objects change only when missions change.
There are a lot of things that we will consider such as enterprises do not have models of information systems development that allow system designers to see the benefits of rearranging an information systems development schedule. In making an IS plan there are five major questions that cannot be answer:
1. What effect will there be on the overall schedule if an information system is purchased versus developed?
2. At what point does it pay to hire an abnormal quantity of contract staff to advance a schedule?
3. What is the long term benefit from 4GL versus 3GL?
4. Is it better to generate 3GL than to generate/use a 4GL?
5. What are the real costs of distributed software development over centralized development?
If these questions were transformed and applied to any other component of a business (e.g., accounting, manufacturing, distribution and marketing), and remained unanswered, that unit's manager would surely be fired!
Whitemarsh - Information Systems Plan Book.pdf
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
IT professional
Think about yourself worthy to be called as IT professional, how do you see yourself 10 years from now, what are your strategies to get there?
Wow this assignment is a tough one, I will have to write down at least 3000 words… quite a hard one ^_^ Anyway I should be keep going… and I should have waste at most 500 words for my introduction. But as introduction I can’t even find the right words to say…
While reading this question, it made me think about my past life where I have to choose the right course for me. During my high school life I’m actually planning to be an engineer someday. In my previous test on entrance exams in different schools I filled up Electronics and Communication Engineer (ECE) as my primary course. The second in my list is to become a Computer Engineer, and lastly to become a teacher. As I recall I did not filled up an application that states that I was going to choose Information Technology (IT) as my course. Not until heard a rumor that IT infrastructure in the future is going strong and needs more IT professionals to manage the rising technology. And with that small flick of a rumor my goal of becoming an Electronics and Communication Engineer changes to become an Information Technology professional. That time I gathered information about IT though when I became one I never have a chance to know the true meaning of IT especially when I compare it to Computer Science (CS). When we have a freshmen orientation well I do not remember who our speaker is that time but he differentiates IT from CS. As what I have remembered he said that IT professional deals with the spreading and distributing of information of softwares and systems which CS made. As meet my new classmates, I ask them questions like why they have taken IT as their course and what their goals are. Many have answers that they have taken IT because it’s in demand, others says nothing special about their course, other response that they really don’t want the course but they have no choice while other wants to be a programmer. Although I can say that I’m more fortunate than some of my classmates because during my secondary level I have learned the basics of computers like turning it on and off, creating new folder as well as deleting it, even exploring the disk and other stuff, I learned to use MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel even using Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver like making my personal offline webpage. Well, not to boast but during my 3rd year and 4th year in high school I join a regional contest named STEP though I forgot the meaning of that the event I join in is a Webpage making contest using notepad, MS FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver sadly all I can get is a 3rd runner up… well too much for that… although I can see and say that I have more expertise than some of my classmates I ask myself the same question I have given to them during that time. I ask myself about these particular questions:
• What is the real reason why I choose this course?
The reason why I take up this course is that I really want to know more about technology. They said that technology is rising very fast that almost a month or three new inventions will introduced. To take a part of this world I don’t want to be passive to these things, I want new learning about this changing technology. And when I fully understand the flow of technology I really, really want to contribute to the world to make something unique, something irreplaceable softwares that will help the people on this planet. That’s why I taken up this course as my baseline in fulfilling my dreams. Right now I can’t say it’s accidental but it’s really a choice that I made and I will never regret it.
• What are the risks in taking up this course?
Every course have many risks, some have miss lead to other directions. The main risk that I’m afraid of when taking up this course is that the department contains terror teachers that are ready to give five point zero grade. Well that’s a hell of a risk… right now instead of graduating I extend one year but I learned my lessons… Being an IT there are lot of risk in the future, although IT students are in demand there are lot of students who lost their trail and end up being an taxi driver or a waitress… they end up like that because they don’t really now the true meaning of their course… in order to overcome those risks I should be ready to handle it and just understand the real meaning of an IT professional.
• What are my goals?
Our teacher said that if my goal is only to graduate from this course, I should have plan to failed… he said when you think about goal… it is something bigger something you have to achieve in order to succeed in this world. Right now my goal is to get the desire job I want and I should have many objectives to follow… it’s like a quest in game… you cannot complete it without following the right directions and instructions… you should read, listen and investigate in order to finish and proceed to the next level.
• What job do I want and get after finishing this course?
Actually at first, until now I really wonder what job I can have after graduating in this course. I ask my self can a have a stable job after this? Well as of now my part time job is fixing others PC like a technician or what so ever… implementing a illegal copies of OS and Softwares being paid by 500 pesos and above… Well is this the only price I could get after studying? I ask some of my classmates about the job they can get after graduating… many answers they will become a programmer someday but then I ask again my self and them… programmer of what? Well they certain have hard time thinking of the right answer… ^_^ few said they want to become a call center agent as a temporary job… some said they want to become a system analyst and other IT stuff… I ask my self again… actually I was planning to have a part time as an instructor to some school who needs IT professionals as their guide the reason is for that as time goes by while searching for the right job I can have my knowledge become further improve because when you teach you should study more to share more. As my dream is to become a Game System Analyst and Designer in order to create a game that mankind should always search for… I should have my stepping stone in teaching and sharing…
• How do I see my self ten years from now?
Actually I really don’t believe in predictions or guess regarding the future, because I believe that only God can see the future ahead. But I believe that everything that will happen today can affect the flow of the future, every actions and doings can affect the life of other… every mistakes can cause distraction to the future. And I believe that based on what I’m doing right now in making this assignment will make me a better person in the future… because it makes me think of the things that I forgot to think in present… it makes me answer the questions I forgot to answer and makes me realize that planning is really important to achieve your goal. As of now my dream is to become a Game System Analyst and Designer as what I mention earlier because I want to create a game that mankind should always search for whether a men, women, children and so on. In order to achieve this almost impossible goal well nothing’s impossible I should consider and do some of my parents teaching, to have these abilities:
o Patience – the capacity for waiting for something to come up. I should not make things especially decisions to be done rashly. I should wait for the right time and place to avoid certain mistakes.
o Peace of mind – in times of troubles and uncertainty I should think clearly in order to make things right. Just smile and think something precious, something important to have a peace of mind. If I have peace of mind I can easily understand the flow of my work and the essence of it.
o Courage – the quality of being brave, being brave to the less expected situations, to be brave in anything that will occur in my life, and I should have the courage to face the world especially my employer ^_^. To face all the challenges that the lord will give me.
o Dignity – I should have proper sense of pride and self-respect. I should know when to admit defeat and surrender. I should not have more pride or no pride at all… in any case I should satisfy myself in simple but great things.
o Humble – I should have modest and unassuming in attitude and behavior. I should not boast in what I’m doing or contribute in order for me to have a close relationship with my teammates and co-workers.
o Respect – I should have respect to others work, I should respect my teammates to have a good relationship and to be a good citizen also. I should respect my self by having a good diet and caring it… because it’s my foundation.
o Time management – I should always have my time scheduled. I should divide it properly that I can have a time for my family and myself.
o Inspired – I should be inspired on what I’m doing; I should see the benefits that will come up with my work to be inspired in finishing it. I should be inspired by my parents teaching and preaching form the very beginning, I should be inspired by some of the most successful persons who started from nothing, I should be inspired from the girl I love… ^_^
o Faith – I should believe to my self and everything around me, I should trust in my abilities for me to work well. I should have faith in God for he is the only one who can help and raise me when I’m dying form emptiness… I should believe in him that everything that happens to me has a purpose and will come up a great output and I will wait for that time 10 years from now…
I’m glad I have concerned parents who always remind me of the right things that I should do. They are the one who motivates me in pursuing my dreams in life. They are the one who keeps telling me about those good things I should consider in order for me to be a good successful IT professional. They are also the one who keeps reminding me about the bad things I should avoid and correct.
o Lack of self control – they always tell me that I have a short temper…in short a high blood since I was a kid… I always have an enemy to fight because of my attitude. I should always control my self to avoid further distraction ^_^. Also spending too much money is also lack of self control and I should avoid that.
o Waste of time – right now I could tell that I always waste my time doing stuff that doesn’t have any sense… I always submit my home works late, I always do my projects one or three days before deadlines that causes exhaustion. I should always do thing on time to avoid further delay.
o Self Abuse – by not managing my time properly I always end up making my projects over time 24 hours in two to three days which is not right… at the end of the project I end up exhausted and worst sick for three days… becoming a worthy IT professional is not all about work but including proper manage of health…
o Girls Temptations – they always remind me to give them diploma not a baby so I should focus on my studies. Anyway I have a girlfriend now an IT student also in the same school and my parents is sooo afraid… I always tell them that they should trust me for I know what the right things to do… but who knows? ^_^
Well I always have these things in my mind in order to succeed… and I should avoid and control it… anyway I can also tell that there are times that you can’t avoid it but instead you just have to correct it and control it in order to manage.
• What are my strategies to become a worthy IT professional?
My strategies are very simple… I should become a good person with a good heart to have more friends to lean on. I should follow what my heart lean on and think it right. I should be aware of what I’m doing. I should study more and research more to become aware of the changing technology. I should consider some good advises from concern people like my family, teachers and others. I should follow those good things listed above and avoid the bad ones. I should have my own strategic planning to help not just my self but everything that surrounds me. I should have goals and objectives to motivate me. Lastly I should believe in my self and pray to God that everything will be just fine ^_^.
Thank you for this assignment sir although its so mind boggling making out 3000 words, I have just recalled my past. I have answered those questions again and improve it, and still it amazes me the way I think about my course… I think everyone does about their own ideas… for me I think I can be a worthy IT professional someday and my baseline starts here…
Wow this assignment is a tough one, I will have to write down at least 3000 words… quite a hard one ^_^ Anyway I should be keep going… and I should have waste at most 500 words for my introduction. But as introduction I can’t even find the right words to say…
While reading this question, it made me think about my past life where I have to choose the right course for me. During my high school life I’m actually planning to be an engineer someday. In my previous test on entrance exams in different schools I filled up Electronics and Communication Engineer (ECE) as my primary course. The second in my list is to become a Computer Engineer, and lastly to become a teacher. As I recall I did not filled up an application that states that I was going to choose Information Technology (IT) as my course. Not until heard a rumor that IT infrastructure in the future is going strong and needs more IT professionals to manage the rising technology. And with that small flick of a rumor my goal of becoming an Electronics and Communication Engineer changes to become an Information Technology professional. That time I gathered information about IT though when I became one I never have a chance to know the true meaning of IT especially when I compare it to Computer Science (CS). When we have a freshmen orientation well I do not remember who our speaker is that time but he differentiates IT from CS. As what I have remembered he said that IT professional deals with the spreading and distributing of information of softwares and systems which CS made. As meet my new classmates, I ask them questions like why they have taken IT as their course and what their goals are. Many have answers that they have taken IT because it’s in demand, others says nothing special about their course, other response that they really don’t want the course but they have no choice while other wants to be a programmer. Although I can say that I’m more fortunate than some of my classmates because during my secondary level I have learned the basics of computers like turning it on and off, creating new folder as well as deleting it, even exploring the disk and other stuff, I learned to use MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel even using Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver like making my personal offline webpage. Well, not to boast but during my 3rd year and 4th year in high school I join a regional contest named STEP though I forgot the meaning of that the event I join in is a Webpage making contest using notepad, MS FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver sadly all I can get is a 3rd runner up… well too much for that… although I can see and say that I have more expertise than some of my classmates I ask myself the same question I have given to them during that time. I ask myself about these particular questions:
• What is the real reason why I choose this course?
The reason why I take up this course is that I really want to know more about technology. They said that technology is rising very fast that almost a month or three new inventions will introduced. To take a part of this world I don’t want to be passive to these things, I want new learning about this changing technology. And when I fully understand the flow of technology I really, really want to contribute to the world to make something unique, something irreplaceable softwares that will help the people on this planet. That’s why I taken up this course as my baseline in fulfilling my dreams. Right now I can’t say it’s accidental but it’s really a choice that I made and I will never regret it.
• What are the risks in taking up this course?
Every course have many risks, some have miss lead to other directions. The main risk that I’m afraid of when taking up this course is that the department contains terror teachers that are ready to give five point zero grade. Well that’s a hell of a risk… right now instead of graduating I extend one year but I learned my lessons… Being an IT there are lot of risk in the future, although IT students are in demand there are lot of students who lost their trail and end up being an taxi driver or a waitress… they end up like that because they don’t really now the true meaning of their course… in order to overcome those risks I should be ready to handle it and just understand the real meaning of an IT professional.
• What are my goals?
Our teacher said that if my goal is only to graduate from this course, I should have plan to failed… he said when you think about goal… it is something bigger something you have to achieve in order to succeed in this world. Right now my goal is to get the desire job I want and I should have many objectives to follow… it’s like a quest in game… you cannot complete it without following the right directions and instructions… you should read, listen and investigate in order to finish and proceed to the next level.
• What job do I want and get after finishing this course?
Actually at first, until now I really wonder what job I can have after graduating in this course. I ask my self can a have a stable job after this? Well as of now my part time job is fixing others PC like a technician or what so ever… implementing a illegal copies of OS and Softwares being paid by 500 pesos and above… Well is this the only price I could get after studying? I ask some of my classmates about the job they can get after graduating… many answers they will become a programmer someday but then I ask again my self and them… programmer of what? Well they certain have hard time thinking of the right answer… ^_^ few said they want to become a call center agent as a temporary job… some said they want to become a system analyst and other IT stuff… I ask my self again… actually I was planning to have a part time as an instructor to some school who needs IT professionals as their guide the reason is for that as time goes by while searching for the right job I can have my knowledge become further improve because when you teach you should study more to share more. As my dream is to become a Game System Analyst and Designer in order to create a game that mankind should always search for… I should have my stepping stone in teaching and sharing…
• How do I see my self ten years from now?
Actually I really don’t believe in predictions or guess regarding the future, because I believe that only God can see the future ahead. But I believe that everything that will happen today can affect the flow of the future, every actions and doings can affect the life of other… every mistakes can cause distraction to the future. And I believe that based on what I’m doing right now in making this assignment will make me a better person in the future… because it makes me think of the things that I forgot to think in present… it makes me answer the questions I forgot to answer and makes me realize that planning is really important to achieve your goal. As of now my dream is to become a Game System Analyst and Designer as what I mention earlier because I want to create a game that mankind should always search for whether a men, women, children and so on. In order to achieve this almost impossible goal well nothing’s impossible I should consider and do some of my parents teaching, to have these abilities:
o Patience – the capacity for waiting for something to come up. I should not make things especially decisions to be done rashly. I should wait for the right time and place to avoid certain mistakes.
o Peace of mind – in times of troubles and uncertainty I should think clearly in order to make things right. Just smile and think something precious, something important to have a peace of mind. If I have peace of mind I can easily understand the flow of my work and the essence of it.
o Courage – the quality of being brave, being brave to the less expected situations, to be brave in anything that will occur in my life, and I should have the courage to face the world especially my employer ^_^. To face all the challenges that the lord will give me.
o Dignity – I should have proper sense of pride and self-respect. I should know when to admit defeat and surrender. I should not have more pride or no pride at all… in any case I should satisfy myself in simple but great things.
o Humble – I should have modest and unassuming in attitude and behavior. I should not boast in what I’m doing or contribute in order for me to have a close relationship with my teammates and co-workers.
o Respect – I should have respect to others work, I should respect my teammates to have a good relationship and to be a good citizen also. I should respect my self by having a good diet and caring it… because it’s my foundation.
o Time management – I should always have my time scheduled. I should divide it properly that I can have a time for my family and myself.
o Inspired – I should be inspired on what I’m doing; I should see the benefits that will come up with my work to be inspired in finishing it. I should be inspired by my parents teaching and preaching form the very beginning, I should be inspired by some of the most successful persons who started from nothing, I should be inspired from the girl I love… ^_^
o Faith – I should believe to my self and everything around me, I should trust in my abilities for me to work well. I should have faith in God for he is the only one who can help and raise me when I’m dying form emptiness… I should believe in him that everything that happens to me has a purpose and will come up a great output and I will wait for that time 10 years from now…
I’m glad I have concerned parents who always remind me of the right things that I should do. They are the one who motivates me in pursuing my dreams in life. They are the one who keeps telling me about those good things I should consider in order for me to be a good successful IT professional. They are also the one who keeps reminding me about the bad things I should avoid and correct.
o Lack of self control – they always tell me that I have a short temper…in short a high blood since I was a kid… I always have an enemy to fight because of my attitude. I should always control my self to avoid further distraction ^_^. Also spending too much money is also lack of self control and I should avoid that.
o Waste of time – right now I could tell that I always waste my time doing stuff that doesn’t have any sense… I always submit my home works late, I always do my projects one or three days before deadlines that causes exhaustion. I should always do thing on time to avoid further delay.
o Self Abuse – by not managing my time properly I always end up making my projects over time 24 hours in two to three days which is not right… at the end of the project I end up exhausted and worst sick for three days… becoming a worthy IT professional is not all about work but including proper manage of health…
o Girls Temptations – they always remind me to give them diploma not a baby so I should focus on my studies. Anyway I have a girlfriend now an IT student also in the same school and my parents is sooo afraid… I always tell them that they should trust me for I know what the right things to do… but who knows? ^_^
Well I always have these things in my mind in order to succeed… and I should avoid and control it… anyway I can also tell that there are times that you can’t avoid it but instead you just have to correct it and control it in order to manage.
• What are my strategies to become a worthy IT professional?
My strategies are very simple… I should become a good person with a good heart to have more friends to lean on. I should follow what my heart lean on and think it right. I should be aware of what I’m doing. I should study more and research more to become aware of the changing technology. I should consider some good advises from concern people like my family, teachers and others. I should follow those good things listed above and avoid the bad ones. I should have my own strategic planning to help not just my self but everything that surrounds me. I should have goals and objectives to motivate me. Lastly I should believe in my self and pray to God that everything will be just fine ^_^.
Thank you for this assignment sir although its so mind boggling making out 3000 words, I have just recalled my past. I have answered those questions again and improve it, and still it amazes me the way I think about my course… I think everyone does about their own ideas… for me I think I can be a worthy IT professional someday and my baseline starts here…
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Strategic Planning
Last Monday November 24, 2008 we have our first report discussion assigned to our classmates. While the projector is being set-up including a imported PC ^_^...the lab is sooo hot!! aw where's the air con??? ^_^ anyway..while waiting and enduring the hotness of the room our lovable teacher RSG went to berserk by sharing his knowledge to us. He discussed about strategic planning, and how important it is to our life...he said that when you talk about strategic planning it's not an ordinary plan that affected your life but as well as planning for the sake of the globe. It should affect all that surrounding military, when going to war they should always have a good plan in order for the mission to succeed because it's a battle between life and death, thus strategic planning adopt this in order to survive. If you have a plan you should have a goal and objectives in order to get your desired outputs. and you should be aware of the risk that you will encounter, the hindrance...and just aim high..we should not plan to fail but to succeed...according to our teacher's mom "She did not teach to live, but she live to teach" a very simple but inspirational one. I hope i touched your heart dear readers!!! ^_^
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
5 years from now????
WOW i hope i can reach another five years of living my life...5 years from now i'm already 25 years old, my youngest brother is already in 4th yr college, older huh!! actually right now my goal and i wonder that when that year comes i will become a well known game system developer!! that's the reason why i have this course...maybe a crazy reason for others but there's nothing wrong with it...i want to design a games that that are different from any other games..the one that a gamer will always playing with...
well a hard future sight but i think i can pursue it and become a Game Developer Master..^_^
well a hard future sight but i think i can pursue it and become a Game Developer Master..^_^
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Three key principles of Information Organization
there are three key principles of Information Organization: Knowledge needs to be organized for communities (Communities), In designing tools to support the organization of knowledge, guiding principle must be that of user orientation and predominant usage (User Orientation), Standardization and networking provide infrastructures, which facilitate effective and efficient access to information and documents (Standardization and Networking). The list below are the sub-principles of the three principles, each principles contains break parts that will help me understand further the thoughts of the three major principles.
• Libraries have always been established to serve a community
• Needs of the community for information, documents, education and recreation are established through user studies, service delivery, committees ('focus groups'), involvement with stake holders in the community and other interactions with the community
• Libraries deploy their resources (human, financial, documents) according to this need
• Similarly the producers of databases and publishers, who organize knowledge embedded in document and databases, do so with the understanding of the marketplace, and the type and format of information that is likely to cultivate and maintain a loyal customer base
• Portals could be viewed as the electronic agency that tailors document access and information services for specific communities
• Nature of communities varies with the type of portal - public, commercial, internal, etc. • However, the imperative to develop a community is clear.
• Public service needs to be offered to an identifiable community for resources to continue to support the portal
• Commercial portals need to be convinced that their Internet activities are having a positive effect on awareness, reputation and trade
• Creation of communities cannot be left to chance
• E-organizations need to go beyond defining relationships with the customers, to taking a lead in the definition of the culture and values of the community they are seeking to create
• This definition will assist consumers to identify with a community to which they can contribute
User orientation:
• In the design of access points, index terms, search keys, and, more traditionally, headings, the principles of user orientation and reference to the user's cognitive and semantic frameworks has been long established o E.g.: AACR for rendering personal and corporate names
• Literary warrant or basing subject access on the literature of a subject is a well-established principle
• Most subject-based tools offer both alphabetical access (through natural language terms) and hierarchical access through a series of related topics
• Classification schemes have been the primary mode of offering access to related subjects
• Traditional classification schemes were hierarchical in nature, as are the menu structures embedded in many web sites
• Limitations of classification schemes has become evident with the growth of knowledge - resulting in cross-classification (location of a topic in multiple hierarchies)
• Many menu-based hierarchies do not use a classification notation - rather use natural language to represent subjects (alphabetic-classed approach)
Standardization and networking:
• Global L&I community has achieved great success in international networks and networking activities
• Support exchange of bibliographic data and documents and a host of other services o Examples: MARC, ISBD, Dublin Core, Z39.50, OAI, etc.
• Demonstrate the sharing of expertise and perspectives in relation to the organization of knowledge
• Use of these standards also leads to standardization in the interfaces offered to the user: o Searching effectively across a range of different libraries and databases, so that search skills learned in one environment are transferable to other environments o Locating documents or information on the basis of citations in other sources
• Libraries have always been established to serve a community
• Needs of the community for information, documents, education and recreation are established through user studies, service delivery, committees ('focus groups'), involvement with stake holders in the community and other interactions with the community
• Libraries deploy their resources (human, financial, documents) according to this need
• Similarly the producers of databases and publishers, who organize knowledge embedded in document and databases, do so with the understanding of the marketplace, and the type and format of information that is likely to cultivate and maintain a loyal customer base
• Portals could be viewed as the electronic agency that tailors document access and information services for specific communities
• Nature of communities varies with the type of portal - public, commercial, internal, etc. • However, the imperative to develop a community is clear.
• Public service needs to be offered to an identifiable community for resources to continue to support the portal
• Commercial portals need to be convinced that their Internet activities are having a positive effect on awareness, reputation and trade
• Creation of communities cannot be left to chance
• E-organizations need to go beyond defining relationships with the customers, to taking a lead in the definition of the culture and values of the community they are seeking to create
• This definition will assist consumers to identify with a community to which they can contribute
User orientation:
• In the design of access points, index terms, search keys, and, more traditionally, headings, the principles of user orientation and reference to the user's cognitive and semantic frameworks has been long established o E.g.: AACR for rendering personal and corporate names
• Literary warrant or basing subject access on the literature of a subject is a well-established principle
• Most subject-based tools offer both alphabetical access (through natural language terms) and hierarchical access through a series of related topics
• Classification schemes have been the primary mode of offering access to related subjects
• Traditional classification schemes were hierarchical in nature, as are the menu structures embedded in many web sites
• Limitations of classification schemes has become evident with the growth of knowledge - resulting in cross-classification (location of a topic in multiple hierarchies)
• Many menu-based hierarchies do not use a classification notation - rather use natural language to represent subjects (alphabetic-classed approach)
Standardization and networking:
• Global L&I community has achieved great success in international networks and networking activities
• Support exchange of bibliographic data and documents and a host of other services o Examples: MARC, ISBD, Dublin Core, Z39.50, OAI, etc.
• Demonstrate the sharing of expertise and perspectives in relation to the organization of knowledge
• Use of these standards also leads to standardization in the interfaces offered to the user: o Searching effectively across a range of different libraries and databases, so that search skills learned in one environment are transferable to other environments o Locating documents or information on the basis of citations in other sources
Learn About Information Environment!!
An Introduction to the readers let me characterized the meaning of Information Environment. An Information Environment can be describe as the set of network or online services that support publishing and use of information and learning resources. At the moment online services providing digital resources tend to operate in a stand-alone manner. The user is therefore required to navigate a complex set of different websites with different search interfaces in order to locate relevant resources. Similarly the resources offered tend to be characterized by a lack of mediation to provide vital signposts to explain context and relevance to the user. It has been recognized that this is one of the key features limiting take up of digital resources. In other words Information Environment is an environment where you can find the information you need in the easiest way.
To take part of the Information Environment services I will allow my self to be in a role of a user like a student user as of my current state now, but not just an ordinary student user but also a good contributor of comments and suggestions to the developer about the services they made.
As a student specially an Information Technology (IT) student there are many things I want to know about the changing technology, I want to know more about things that I’m not aware of specially things that are related to my course. An Information Environment services can help me in my goals because here I can find the answers to my questions not just that I can have my advance research in a simpler way without any delayed, well aside for the speed connection that I’m using. With my teachers that gives us many electronic assignment researches its hard for me to research in an environment that so confusing. So I need a better way to research without puzzlement in my mind. Information Environment could be a great help not just for me but to all students who will going to use it. It allows us to gain knowledge and to advance our mind to things that we are not aware of.
Being a user well a very observant user I just can say that the service I was using is a perfect search engine there should be some bugs and disrupt that I dislike or I’m not convenient with. As a good student (tsar) I just can’t leave things behind or outpace that problem, I will leave some comments about my observations not just my poor observation about the software but also my good observations about it. By doing this I can help the developers improved their programs by fixing those problems. I can send my suggestions so that they can think about it when they will go to update their search engine environment.
Now let’s move on and characterize the meaning of Information Organization and how it will help me in performing my role as a simple user and a contributor. Information Organization is simply organizing information to bring essentially like information together and to differentiate what is not exactly alike. To be simple, Information Organization based in what I read and know it is a way of organizing the things that should be done and needed by a user or even a information environment developers.According to an article that I read there are three key principles of Information Organization: Knowledge needs to be organized for communities (Communities), In designing tools to support the organization of knowledge, guiding principle must be that of user orientation and predominant usage (User Orientation), Standardization and networking provide infrastructures, which facilitate effective and efficient access to information and documents (Standardization and Networking). The list below are the sub-principles of the three principles, each principles contains break parts that will help me understand further the thoughts of the three major principles.
• Libraries have always been established to serve a community
• Needs of the community for information, documents, education and recreation are established through user studies, service delivery, committees ('focus groups'), involvement with stake holders in the community and other interactions with the community
• Libraries deploy their resources (human, financial, documents) according to this need
• Similarly the producers of databases and publishers, who organize knowledge embedded in document and databases, do so with the understanding of the marketplace, and the type and format of information that is likely to cultivate and maintain a loyal customer base
• Portals could be viewed as the electronic agency that tailors document access and information services for specific communities
• Nature of communities varies with the type of portal - public, commercial, internal, etc.
• However, the imperative to develop a community is clear.
• Public service needs to be offered to an identifiable community for resources to continue to support the portal
• Commercial portals need to be convinced that their Internet activities are having a positive effect on awareness, reputation and trade
• Creation of communities cannot be left to chance
• E-organizations need to go beyond defining relationships with the customers, to taking a lead in the definition of the culture and values of the community they are seeking to create
• This definition will assist consumers to identify with a community to which they can contribute
User orientation:
• In the design of access points, index terms, search keys, and, more traditionally, headings, the principles of user orientation and reference to the user's cognitive and semantic frameworks has been long established o E.g.: AACR for rendering personal and corporate names
• Literary warrant or basing subject access on the literature of a subject is a well-established principle
• Most subject-based tools offer both alphabetical access (through natural language terms) and hierarchical access through a series of related topics
• Classification schemes have been the primary mode of offering access to related subjects
• Traditional classification schemes were hierarchical in nature, as are the menu structures embedded in many web sites
• Limitations of classification schemes has become evident with the growth of knowledge - resulting in cross-classification (location of a topic in multiple hierarchies)
• Many menu-based hierarchies do not use a classification notation - rather use natural language to represent subjects (alphabetic-classed approach)
Standardization and networking:
• Global L&I community has achieved great success in international networks and networking activities
• Support exchange of bibliographic data and documents and a host of other services o Examples: MARC, ISBD, Dublin Core, Z39.50, OAI, etc.
• Demonstrate the sharing of expertise and perspectives in relation to the organization of knowledge
• Use of these standards also leads to standardization in the interfaces offered to the user: o Searching effectively across a range of different libraries and databases, so that search skills learned in one environment are transferable to other environments o Locating documents or information on the basis of citations in other sources
I can tell that the three key principles of Information Organization stated above can help me perform my role in the sense that I can easily distinguished the right and wrong or the “I must” and “I must not”. I can say that because these principles tell us the right things an information environment should do. It helps me realize and know what our community needs. It also provides a simple and friendly ways to the user because of the organized design and nature friendly systems that make it simpler for me to use. It provides me also a high limitation of data searching because menu structures embedded in many web sites. And also classification schemes have been the primary mode of offering access to related subjects I want to hunt. Also as the principle discuss about networking it will be easy for me to connect and to exchange data through the net. I can easily stored and locate my data in their database, not just that, I can also transfer my data easily and safely.
Base on what I know about the three key principles of Information Organization stated above and in the conclusion that I made I can now decide what I should do about making my information environment system more effective to the user. Thanks to the ideas that I gathered from the principle. It will be easy now for me because I have a guideline. Well that is, if my role is an Information Environment programmer and developer. But base in the role that I have given above, I’m just a simple user like student user and a contributor of ideas. The three key principles of Information Organization can help me perform my role by simply ahmm…it serve as a parameter for me to know what should an information environment services contains of. I can justify whether it gives the right ideas or provides the right things and information needed by a simple user like me or does it serve its community well, by giving the correct information and not just a false statements. It will help me in my observations and contributions, if they are lack of things that the principle provides, I can send comments to them that they are lack of these things and so on… and they should be providing these things. Well I guess that’s what the three key principles of Information Organization used to be, a guide and point towards knowledge. That’s why the three principles of Information Organization help me a lot in performing my desired role.
Now let’s proceed to the challenges and consequences that I will be dealing with in performing my desired role.
There are lots of challenges that a user will be facing in performing his simple role. Being a student user there are lots of challenges that I will be going to encounter especially in finding or researching hard topics, and hard understanding about the topic. Even if Information Environment services gives all the necessary answers to my questions I can’t guarantee that all those answers are correct and that will satisfy my needs. The real challenge is that I will have to read and understand those answers so that I can come up with a right solution. Well patience is important with research; I should keep my patience so that I can manage my work well.
As a contributor there are lots of challenges that I will be dealing with in my contributions. I can tell that because I can’t assure that my comments and suggestions will be read by the developer. I can say that because I’m not the only person who uses and contributes in the engine so I have to be patient and persistent in giving contributions. To gain fame and name in the environment I have to be active in their forums and activities so that I will be known as a well contributor. There is also a possible chance that my suggestions is too high and ambiguous that they can’t provide it, or my comments are so harsh that they can’t accept it so I need to be more observant and open minded about those things so that I will not embarrassed my self.
I can say that my role in the Information Environment of my choice is not that hard and challenging unlike those who made and developed it which is more far from my ideas because my role is just a finishing in their services and a client to test it. But without me or any user they can tell that their information environment service fails because recognition can be given for those who gain more comments and suggestions and visited and used by most people who are interested with the environment. And I know they needed me because they know their work is not perfect and there should be problems that they did not notice in making it so they need some observant user to help them out. So I can say that I’m a real BIG part of the Information Environment without me, there will be no Information Environment services. Thank you!! (whew) ^_^
To take part of the Information Environment services I will allow my self to be in a role of a user like a student user as of my current state now, but not just an ordinary student user but also a good contributor of comments and suggestions to the developer about the services they made.
As a student specially an Information Technology (IT) student there are many things I want to know about the changing technology, I want to know more about things that I’m not aware of specially things that are related to my course. An Information Environment services can help me in my goals because here I can find the answers to my questions not just that I can have my advance research in a simpler way without any delayed, well aside for the speed connection that I’m using. With my teachers that gives us many electronic assignment researches its hard for me to research in an environment that so confusing. So I need a better way to research without puzzlement in my mind. Information Environment could be a great help not just for me but to all students who will going to use it. It allows us to gain knowledge and to advance our mind to things that we are not aware of.
Being a user well a very observant user I just can say that the service I was using is a perfect search engine there should be some bugs and disrupt that I dislike or I’m not convenient with. As a good student (tsar) I just can’t leave things behind or outpace that problem, I will leave some comments about my observations not just my poor observation about the software but also my good observations about it. By doing this I can help the developers improved their programs by fixing those problems. I can send my suggestions so that they can think about it when they will go to update their search engine environment.
Now let’s move on and characterize the meaning of Information Organization and how it will help me in performing my role as a simple user and a contributor. Information Organization is simply organizing information to bring essentially like information together and to differentiate what is not exactly alike. To be simple, Information Organization based in what I read and know it is a way of organizing the things that should be done and needed by a user or even a information environment developers.According to an article that I read there are three key principles of Information Organization: Knowledge needs to be organized for communities (Communities), In designing tools to support the organization of knowledge, guiding principle must be that of user orientation and predominant usage (User Orientation), Standardization and networking provide infrastructures, which facilitate effective and efficient access to information and documents (Standardization and Networking). The list below are the sub-principles of the three principles, each principles contains break parts that will help me understand further the thoughts of the three major principles.
• Libraries have always been established to serve a community
• Needs of the community for information, documents, education and recreation are established through user studies, service delivery, committees ('focus groups'), involvement with stake holders in the community and other interactions with the community
• Libraries deploy their resources (human, financial, documents) according to this need
• Similarly the producers of databases and publishers, who organize knowledge embedded in document and databases, do so with the understanding of the marketplace, and the type and format of information that is likely to cultivate and maintain a loyal customer base
• Portals could be viewed as the electronic agency that tailors document access and information services for specific communities
• Nature of communities varies with the type of portal - public, commercial, internal, etc.
• However, the imperative to develop a community is clear.
• Public service needs to be offered to an identifiable community for resources to continue to support the portal
• Commercial portals need to be convinced that their Internet activities are having a positive effect on awareness, reputation and trade
• Creation of communities cannot be left to chance
• E-organizations need to go beyond defining relationships with the customers, to taking a lead in the definition of the culture and values of the community they are seeking to create
• This definition will assist consumers to identify with a community to which they can contribute
User orientation:
• In the design of access points, index terms, search keys, and, more traditionally, headings, the principles of user orientation and reference to the user's cognitive and semantic frameworks has been long established o E.g.: AACR for rendering personal and corporate names
• Literary warrant or basing subject access on the literature of a subject is a well-established principle
• Most subject-based tools offer both alphabetical access (through natural language terms) and hierarchical access through a series of related topics
• Classification schemes have been the primary mode of offering access to related subjects
• Traditional classification schemes were hierarchical in nature, as are the menu structures embedded in many web sites
• Limitations of classification schemes has become evident with the growth of knowledge - resulting in cross-classification (location of a topic in multiple hierarchies)
• Many menu-based hierarchies do not use a classification notation - rather use natural language to represent subjects (alphabetic-classed approach)
Standardization and networking:
• Global L&I community has achieved great success in international networks and networking activities
• Support exchange of bibliographic data and documents and a host of other services o Examples: MARC, ISBD, Dublin Core, Z39.50, OAI, etc.
• Demonstrate the sharing of expertise and perspectives in relation to the organization of knowledge
• Use of these standards also leads to standardization in the interfaces offered to the user: o Searching effectively across a range of different libraries and databases, so that search skills learned in one environment are transferable to other environments o Locating documents or information on the basis of citations in other sources
I can tell that the three key principles of Information Organization stated above can help me perform my role in the sense that I can easily distinguished the right and wrong or the “I must” and “I must not”. I can say that because these principles tell us the right things an information environment should do. It helps me realize and know what our community needs. It also provides a simple and friendly ways to the user because of the organized design and nature friendly systems that make it simpler for me to use. It provides me also a high limitation of data searching because menu structures embedded in many web sites. And also classification schemes have been the primary mode of offering access to related subjects I want to hunt. Also as the principle discuss about networking it will be easy for me to connect and to exchange data through the net. I can easily stored and locate my data in their database, not just that, I can also transfer my data easily and safely.
Base on what I know about the three key principles of Information Organization stated above and in the conclusion that I made I can now decide what I should do about making my information environment system more effective to the user. Thanks to the ideas that I gathered from the principle. It will be easy now for me because I have a guideline. Well that is, if my role is an Information Environment programmer and developer. But base in the role that I have given above, I’m just a simple user like student user and a contributor of ideas. The three key principles of Information Organization can help me perform my role by simply ahmm…it serve as a parameter for me to know what should an information environment services contains of. I can justify whether it gives the right ideas or provides the right things and information needed by a simple user like me or does it serve its community well, by giving the correct information and not just a false statements. It will help me in my observations and contributions, if they are lack of things that the principle provides, I can send comments to them that they are lack of these things and so on… and they should be providing these things. Well I guess that’s what the three key principles of Information Organization used to be, a guide and point towards knowledge. That’s why the three principles of Information Organization help me a lot in performing my desired role.
Now let’s proceed to the challenges and consequences that I will be dealing with in performing my desired role.
There are lots of challenges that a user will be facing in performing his simple role. Being a student user there are lots of challenges that I will be going to encounter especially in finding or researching hard topics, and hard understanding about the topic. Even if Information Environment services gives all the necessary answers to my questions I can’t guarantee that all those answers are correct and that will satisfy my needs. The real challenge is that I will have to read and understand those answers so that I can come up with a right solution. Well patience is important with research; I should keep my patience so that I can manage my work well.
As a contributor there are lots of challenges that I will be dealing with in my contributions. I can tell that because I can’t assure that my comments and suggestions will be read by the developer. I can say that because I’m not the only person who uses and contributes in the engine so I have to be patient and persistent in giving contributions. To gain fame and name in the environment I have to be active in their forums and activities so that I will be known as a well contributor. There is also a possible chance that my suggestions is too high and ambiguous that they can’t provide it, or my comments are so harsh that they can’t accept it so I need to be more observant and open minded about those things so that I will not embarrassed my self.
I can say that my role in the Information Environment of my choice is not that hard and challenging unlike those who made and developed it which is more far from my ideas because my role is just a finishing in their services and a client to test it. But without me or any user they can tell that their information environment service fails because recognition can be given for those who gain more comments and suggestions and visited and used by most people who are interested with the environment. And I know they needed me because they know their work is not perfect and there should be problems that they did not notice in making it so they need some observant user to help them out. So I can say that I’m a real BIG part of the Information Environment without me, there will be no Information Environment services. Thank you!! (whew) ^_^
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My HoroscopeToday

I'm a "VIRGO"
Your ego got bruised, and it's perfectly healthy to spend some time nursing it.
In Detail
Your ego got bruised recently, and it's perfectly healthy to spend some time nursing it. But you should try to start shifting back into normal life, today. Getting back to the action will help you snap out of any self-pity you've been feeling and remind you how capable you are. You have learned something from this humbling experience, so arm yourself with this knowledge, today. It will help you avoid making all of the same mistakes you made before.
^_^ tama jud xa!! whew...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
In-sourcing and Out-sourcing
As we all know, out-sourcing is getting a third party outside the company or infrastructure while in-sourcing is making use of own personnel in a company with an expertise.
If I’ll be the one who will going to present my evaluation about the said topic about in-sourcing and out-sourcing. And if I’ll be the one who will going to take the position of deciding what I’m supposed to use. I would suggest using in-sourcing because in my opinion, if my company contains personnel with great talent and expertise about making systems, programs, etc. why not make use of their abilities?! By doing this, I can help them improved their abilities as well as I can help my company’s systems being unique among the other and can hold confidentiality. Why I say so? Because if you use systems that are out-sourced, I can’t assure that it will hold confidentiality. It would be easy for other people especially the one who use the same systems that I use, to hack and crack my data. Because most of out-sourced programs have weaknesses that most people know even students and if I will going to use that oww that’s bad in my side.
And aside that, using an in-source I can easily determine or debug and add some changes in the systems easily because the one who made it was in my company. By doing this it will took me less effort and saves time. Well when we talk about money, though I can say I can spend more money in in-sourcing than out-sourcing it doesn’t matter because what I ponder is making my data safe and secure. Well it depends also specially if you are close with your personnel you can talk prices…for convenience and for the good.
However my opinion is just based, if and only if you have very honest and trustworthy personnel. Not only that, if they have talents and expertise in making systems. Why not try them it’s better to used your personnel it’s also a way to interact with them.
If I’ll be the one who will going to present my evaluation about the said topic about in-sourcing and out-sourcing. And if I’ll be the one who will going to take the position of deciding what I’m supposed to use. I would suggest using in-sourcing because in my opinion, if my company contains personnel with great talent and expertise about making systems, programs, etc. why not make use of their abilities?! By doing this, I can help them improved their abilities as well as I can help my company’s systems being unique among the other and can hold confidentiality. Why I say so? Because if you use systems that are out-sourced, I can’t assure that it will hold confidentiality. It would be easy for other people especially the one who use the same systems that I use, to hack and crack my data. Because most of out-sourced programs have weaknesses that most people know even students and if I will going to use that oww that’s bad in my side.
And aside that, using an in-source I can easily determine or debug and add some changes in the systems easily because the one who made it was in my company. By doing this it will took me less effort and saves time. Well when we talk about money, though I can say I can spend more money in in-sourcing than out-sourcing it doesn’t matter because what I ponder is making my data safe and secure. Well it depends also specially if you are close with your personnel you can talk prices…for convenience and for the good.
However my opinion is just based, if and only if you have very honest and trustworthy personnel. Not only that, if they have talents and expertise in making systems. Why not try them it’s better to used your personnel it’s also a way to interact with them.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Secondhand Serenade

Secondhand Serenade is an American acoustic rock solo project fronted by vocalist and guitarist John Vesely. The solo project began in California, USA, in 2004. Vesely has released two studio albums to date under the name Secondhand Serenade, Awake in 2007 and A Twist in My Story in 2008. The debut album used multitrack recording to create the sound of a band using technology, the second album took a different path, using a proper band and an orchestra to establish a more accomplished sound...this band produce nice acoustics songs such as "Your Call","Maybe","Fall for You" and many more...
Monday, August 4, 2008
If i were a consultant...
If ever I were assigned as an IT consultant in our University… Well I’ll be glad to help as long as I can ^_^. But I think it’s a hard one because we have limited resources and of course money!!As for the slow internet connection in our school, I could suggest to revise or to reassemble the infrastructure or the computer connections in our laboratories. Basically as time goes by even if the connection of the computers to the server or other connections, as long as no maintenance it will surely affect the present connection that causes it to slow down. I think we should choose the right topology that fits our connection and that will be easy to manage and to trace if ever damage will occur. Or I can suggest assigning each computer a fair share of the bandwidth. As I don’t know…maybe the server of our school is somehow old enough and should be replaced with a new one! And If ever this will be implemented we should place a person who will take care not like a janitor but a care taker of the connections that we will be building because maintaining is somehow a best way to improve the internet connection. Well as of now I can’t think of much better idea than to revise the connections of our computer laboratory. Well I hope my small mind can give an idea!! Thank you!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
About the SONA??
In the information that I have gathered President Arroyo reduced the cost of text messaging into 50 cents so that citizen of the Philippines who are text addict can afford to have load in same price but double content. Well for me I think its quite solution but can’t really fill the need of the people. If I am the president’s consultant maybe I can think of much better solution than reducing the cost. For example, reduced the cost of unlimited texting to 10 peso, or double the text messages of all-text 20 or 10 or just lower the call services cost.The next issue is that President Arroyo contacts a private sector who offer jobs for computer literate pips specially IT people. Well I can say that it is good to implement that coz as of now many graduate students are hanging. And nowadays I think students should be familiar with gadgets and computers coz it’s a need.Next is the communication for importing products such as goods and most of all our precious rice! She said that we don’t have to worry about this rice crisis because she manage to contact neighboring countries to export their products in our country. Well I don’t know exactly how to relate it to ICT but communication is important to information!In my opinion about the SONA (State of the Nation Address) of our president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo last July 28, 2008, well actually I haven’t got a chance to watch her in her statements because I’m in school that time. My opinion was based from some information that I gathered, from my parents who watched it, my fellow classmates, and some in T.V.As I’ve heard many did not watch the SONA because they say lies are repeatedly spoken by our president. Other who watches it says that the words of our president are not true and in fact far from the truth. There are also who acknowledge her pledge and congratulates her. For me, I really don’t have the same feelings as others do about her and her doings in our country but for me it is better to listen to the one who spokes, before you criticize and judge. Even though she made many, I mean many mistakes in our country we can’t tell that, that’s all she can do! We people always focus on the bad side of a person, I mean even if a person do something good, because we focus on his/her mistakes that ends him/her a bad person! Just as our president, I mean all of our presidents; we always focus on their mistakes but not acknowledge the good sides they made. Well I’m not defending our president I’m just being fair in judging. And as of her SONA, well she said what she think she did and she promise what she think she will do and even if I have doubt about it lets just give a hope! ^_^ that’s all... Thank you!! I’m having a hard time speaking English correctly so I apologize for wrong grammar and for the late submission because I have no idea about this inserted assignment until my classmate texted me… And it’s late!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Risk in Business and IT/IS change
About the assignment...according to the article i read in this site
Decision related to risk and its mitigation should involve senior management. It is important to identify and clarify the risk you they might encounter during the decision making. You mus formulate questions and solutions to the questions! For example, what are the risk of the business? How to minimize it? Is it acceptable? Or can be avoided?
The events likely to threaten normal operation of the system are identified in the
Risk Assessment as follows:
1. Evacuation of Building
2. Non-Availability of Staff
3. Destruction of SOC
4. Connectivity Failures
5. Software Failures
6. Power Outages
7. Hardware Failures.
So even if you have a perfect plan and decision making, still you must consider some risks and threats to avoid some inconsistency.
thats all sir!! thank you!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Barriers in IS/IT
Base on the article that i've read barriers in IS/IT is simply the distruction or what i mean to say the hindrance or problem in achieving the goals of IS/IT. This includes the lack of education background in both technology and programs and not enough information about it. Because of this problem many people got hard time finishing their projects. Next is the Lack of a shared, reliable computing and network infrastructure which is obviously one of the most problem because lack of facilities. Some people create a Goals that are too ambitious for the resources available to achieve them in the end they end up nothing. Human and organizational resistance to change this includes always changing their ideas that makes confusion. The intend project has Unrealistic time frames which no due time to finish it so it ends up hanging. And Changing priorities these problem is so confusing cause they end up their projects to nothing because they change their priorty for time or money or attention not for the benifit of finishing the first made project.Thats all for my understanding...i hope i give you idea!! and please dont try this at home!!!§ion=4§ion=4
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Simple Plan

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Some Best Practices of IS/IT
In the article that I have read, it talks about 23 best practices within the information systems life cycle phases. As a summary of what I have read. One of the best practices of IS is Determining the Project I think this is important because if you want to be successful in your project you have to focus and to have determination in pursuing it to finish. Next is to know your project well to gather necessary data and information, its functional term and define it clearly. The project must be for the good of the people you are working on. If your project is about to finish you must test it and if troubles appear then fix it till you complete it 100% thats also determination. And finally when you finish it...plan for a maintenance so that you can maintain the accessibility o your project.As you read this post you can identify now the good practices of Information systems. Although this is not all about the full goodness of the IS I hope you learned a bit!! thank you!! ^_^
In the article that I have read, it talks about 23 best practices within the information systems life cycle phases. As a summary of what I have read. One of the best practices of IS is Determining the Project I think this is important because if you want to be successful in your project you have to focus and to have determination in pursuing it to finish. Next is to know your project well to gather necessary data and information, its functional term and define it clearly. The project must be for the good of the people you are working on. If your project is about to finish you must test it and if troubles appear then fix it till you complete it 100% thats also determination. And finally when you finish it...plan for a maintenance so that you can maintain the accessibility o your project.As you read this post you can identify now the good practices of Information systems. Although this is not all about the full goodness of the IS I hope you learned a bit!! thank you!! ^_^
Friday, July 11, 2008
Why IS/IT systems fails?
For me since I’m new about these things I can say that it depends on the situation or problems. Since IS is an activity that process data and information in a certain organization and deal with the development, use and management of an organization's IT infrastructure. I think Information Systems (IS) fails because of wrong implementation of the project. Or the implementer did/do not follow the data that are gathered. In any case I think IS also fails because of the wrong plan and messy data gathering hence the implementer will follow it then it will fail!! ^_^
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Integrating Open Source Source Software in Schools
In the article I’ve read about Open Source there’s this question “What if the software become obsolete? Do we have to buy new software upgrades that cost us a lot? Or do we need to buy new softwares?” this may be difficult to us who do not own much money to buy or upgrade this softwares because it’s really expensive. But there is an alternative way to make it easy for us, by using Open Source softwares. What is Open Source software? It is free downloadable softwares developed and produced by companies to provide ways to make our lives easy that’s why it is called Open Source.How can our school gain advantage to these softwares? In my opinion our school will feel more comfortable contributing to Open Source because we are assured of these rights: The right to make copies of the program, and distribute those copies legally. This is because non Open Source softwares are illegal to make copies and distribute it freely. The right to have access to the software's source code, a necessary preliminary before we can change it. Although some Open Source do not include source codes of the program. We have the right to make improvements to the program. If you are familiar to the source code provided you can make changes to these and make improvements for your convenience. Thus this makes us in an advantage, because we will not be afraid of producing copies or editing it based on these rights. And as an individual we can make money out of these softwares.
Friday, June 20, 2008
"green campus computing"
As I read the content of this sites it tells us the growing and the functions of the Internet around the world and how it helps students, faculties, staff and administrators to be more effective in their studies and works. In my own idea, even in our school we can implement this kind of event or style because I believe that it is really important in our studies specially IT students. Even if we have limited resources or poor resources when in come to computers thus a faster internet connections can help us. But I think it is nice to have fully functional computers with complete hardwares and reliable softwares in our school to properly adopt this kind of strategy.As I first read the content I was shock to read that their campus has over 6000 computers on their campus, well I was thinking about my school’s computers! This URL talks about conserving and taking care of our mother nature in spite of our fast changing technology. In their campus they tried to reduce their waste to save nature and keep it green. Well I think that’s a good idea to be implemented in our school also. And how we will gonna do that? Its simple as this site tell us the exact ways to conserve nature. First in order to make sure the computer you buy is environmentally friendly, ask if the manufacturer has adopted these Silicon Principles, and ask about what steps have been taken to implement them. Next as we all know that when the demand is high, the supply should also high to provide the needs of demand. Thus as the number computers rises, the resources necessary to run these computers will also rise. These resources include electricity, paper, toner cartridges, floppy disks, and other peripheral devices. Still, it's possible to minimize this impact using some very simple means. So you need to conserve electricity by turning off the pc if not in use, save paper by printing necessary documents. So how our school gonna help the environment using our computers? Computers can send reports or emails to our government if you see some abuses around you especially in our nature. So in even if computers have great impact to our mother nature we can minimized it to keep it clean and green.
As I read the content of this sites it tells us the growing and the functions of the Internet around the world and how it helps students, faculties, staff and administrators to be more effective in their studies and works. In my own idea, even in our school we can implement this kind of event or style because I believe that it is really important in our studies specially IT students. Even if we have limited resources or poor resources when in come to computers thus a faster internet connections can help us. But I think it is nice to have fully functional computers with complete hardwares and reliable softwares in our school to properly adopt this kind of strategy.As I first read the content I was shock to read that their campus has over 6000 computers on their campus, well I was thinking about my school’s computers! This URL talks about conserving and taking care of our mother nature in spite of our fast changing technology. In their campus they tried to reduce their waste to save nature and keep it green. Well I think that’s a good idea to be implemented in our school also. And how we will gonna do that? Its simple as this site tell us the exact ways to conserve nature. First in order to make sure the computer you buy is environmentally friendly, ask if the manufacturer has adopted these Silicon Principles, and ask about what steps have been taken to implement them. Next as we all know that when the demand is high, the supply should also high to provide the needs of demand. Thus as the number computers rises, the resources necessary to run these computers will also rise. These resources include electricity, paper, toner cartridges, floppy disks, and other peripheral devices. Still, it's possible to minimize this impact using some very simple means. So you need to conserve electricity by turning off the pc if not in use, save paper by printing necessary documents. So how our school gonna help the environment using our computers? Computers can send reports or emails to our government if you see some abuses around you especially in our nature. So in even if computers have great impact to our mother nature we can minimized it to keep it clean and green.
Blink 182

One of the most well known punk rock band is Blink 182. The band
started in early 1992 composed with the vocalist and guitarist TomDeLonge and drummer Scott Raynor, who later recruited vocalist andbassist Mark Hoppus. The first name of their band is “Blink” but lateron their career they appended “182” following an objection from theIrish band of the same name. Later on Scott Raynor was replaced byTravis Barker. Blink 182 sold over 22 million records and have a cultfollowing their lead. They created 5 albums which includes 1994:Cheshire Cat, 1997: Dude Ranch (Platinum), 1999: Enema of the State (5xPlatinum), 2001: Take off Your Pants and Jacket (2x Platinum) , 2003:Blink-182 (Platinum) .
started in early 1992 composed with the vocalist and guitarist TomDeLonge and drummer Scott Raynor, who later recruited vocalist andbassist Mark Hoppus. The first name of their band is “Blink” but lateron their career they appended “182” following an objection from theIrish band of the same name. Later on Scott Raynor was replaced byTravis Barker. Blink 182 sold over 22 million records and have a cultfollowing their lead. They created 5 albums which includes 1994:Cheshire Cat, 1997: Dude Ranch (Platinum), 1999: Enema of the State (5xPlatinum), 2001: Take off Your Pants and Jacket (2x Platinum) , 2003:Blink-182 (Platinum) .
Amber Pacific

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