Sunday, August 3, 2008

About the SONA??

In the information that I have gathered President Arroyo reduced the cost of text messaging into 50 cents so that citizen of the Philippines who are text addict can afford to have load in same price but double content. Well for me I think its quite solution but can’t really fill the need of the people. If I am the president’s consultant maybe I can think of much better solution than reducing the cost. For example, reduced the cost of unlimited texting to 10 peso, or double the text messages of all-text 20 or 10 or just lower the call services cost.The next issue is that President Arroyo contacts a private sector who offer jobs for computer literate pips specially IT people. Well I can say that it is good to implement that coz as of now many graduate students are hanging. And nowadays I think students should be familiar with gadgets and computers coz it’s a need.Next is the communication for importing products such as goods and most of all our precious rice! She said that we don’t have to worry about this rice crisis because she manage to contact neighboring countries to export their products in our country. Well I don’t know exactly how to relate it to ICT but communication is important to information!In my opinion about the SONA (State of the Nation Address) of our president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo last July 28, 2008, well actually I haven’t got a chance to watch her in her statements because I’m in school that time. My opinion was based from some information that I gathered, from my parents who watched it, my fellow classmates, and some in T.V.As I’ve heard many did not watch the SONA because they say lies are repeatedly spoken by our president. Other who watches it says that the words of our president are not true and in fact far from the truth. There are also who acknowledge her pledge and congratulates her. For me, I really don’t have the same feelings as others do about her and her doings in our country but for me it is better to listen to the one who spokes, before you criticize and judge. Even though she made many, I mean many mistakes in our country we can’t tell that, that’s all she can do! We people always focus on the bad side of a person, I mean even if a person do something good, because we focus on his/her mistakes that ends him/her a bad person! Just as our president, I mean all of our presidents; we always focus on their mistakes but not acknowledge the good sides they made. Well I’m not defending our president I’m just being fair in judging. And as of her SONA, well she said what she think she did and she promise what she think she will do and even if I have doubt about it lets just give a hope! ^_^ that’s all... Thank you!! I’m having a hard time speaking English correctly so I apologize for wrong grammar and for the late submission because I have no idea about this inserted assignment until my classmate texted me… And it’s late!!

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