Tuesday, December 2, 2008

IT professional

Think about yourself worthy to be called as IT professional, how do you see yourself 10 years from now, what are your strategies to get there?
Wow this assignment is a tough one, I will have to write down at least 3000 words… quite a hard one ^_^ Anyway I should be keep going… and I should have waste at most 500 words for my introduction. But as introduction I can’t even find the right words to say…
While reading this question, it made me think about my past life where I have to choose the right course for me. During my high school life I’m actually planning to be an engineer someday. In my previous test on entrance exams in different schools I filled up Electronics and Communication Engineer (ECE) as my primary course. The second in my list is to become a Computer Engineer, and lastly to become a teacher. As I recall I did not filled up an application that states that I was going to choose Information Technology (IT) as my course. Not until heard a rumor that IT infrastructure in the future is going strong and needs more IT professionals to manage the rising technology. And with that small flick of a rumor my goal of becoming an Electronics and Communication Engineer changes to become an Information Technology professional. That time I gathered information about IT though when I became one I never have a chance to know the true meaning of IT especially when I compare it to Computer Science (CS). When we have a freshmen orientation well I do not remember who our speaker is that time but he differentiates IT from CS. As what I have remembered he said that IT professional deals with the spreading and distributing of information of softwares and systems which CS made. As meet my new classmates, I ask them questions like why they have taken IT as their course and what their goals are. Many have answers that they have taken IT because it’s in demand, others says nothing special about their course, other response that they really don’t want the course but they have no choice while other wants to be a programmer. Although I can say that I’m more fortunate than some of my classmates because during my secondary level I have learned the basics of computers like turning it on and off, creating new folder as well as deleting it, even exploring the disk and other stuff, I learned to use MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel even using Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver like making my personal offline webpage. Well, not to boast but during my 3rd year and 4th year in high school I join a regional contest named STEP though I forgot the meaning of that the event I join in is a Webpage making contest using notepad, MS FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver sadly all I can get is a 3rd runner up… well too much for that… although I can see and say that I have more expertise than some of my classmates I ask myself the same question I have given to them during that time. I ask myself about these particular questions:

• What is the real reason why I choose this course?
The reason why I take up this course is that I really want to know more about technology. They said that technology is rising very fast that almost a month or three new inventions will introduced. To take a part of this world I don’t want to be passive to these things, I want new learning about this changing technology. And when I fully understand the flow of technology I really, really want to contribute to the world to make something unique, something irreplaceable softwares that will help the people on this planet. That’s why I taken up this course as my baseline in fulfilling my dreams. Right now I can’t say it’s accidental but it’s really a choice that I made and I will never regret it.
• What are the risks in taking up this course?

Every course have many risks, some have miss lead to other directions. The main risk that I’m afraid of when taking up this course is that the department contains terror teachers that are ready to give five point zero grade. Well that’s a hell of a risk… right now instead of graduating I extend one year but I learned my lessons… Being an IT there are lot of risk in the future, although IT students are in demand there are lot of students who lost their trail and end up being an taxi driver or a waitress… they end up like that because they don’t really now the true meaning of their course… in order to overcome those risks I should be ready to handle it and just understand the real meaning of an IT professional.

• What are my goals?
Our teacher said that if my goal is only to graduate from this course, I should have plan to failed… he said when you think about goal… it is something bigger something you have to achieve in order to succeed in this world. Right now my goal is to get the desire job I want and I should have many objectives to follow… it’s like a quest in game… you cannot complete it without following the right directions and instructions… you should read, listen and investigate in order to finish and proceed to the next level.

• What job do I want and get after finishing this course?
Actually at first, until now I really wonder what job I can have after graduating in this course. I ask my self can a have a stable job after this? Well as of now my part time job is fixing others PC like a technician or what so ever… implementing a illegal copies of OS and Softwares being paid by 500 pesos and above… Well is this the only price I could get after studying? I ask some of my classmates about the job they can get after graduating… many answers they will become a programmer someday but then I ask again my self and them… programmer of what? Well they certain have hard time thinking of the right answer… ^_^ few said they want to become a call center agent as a temporary job… some said they want to become a system analyst and other IT stuff… I ask my self again… actually I was planning to have a part time as an instructor to some school who needs IT professionals as their guide the reason is for that as time goes by while searching for the right job I can have my knowledge become further improve because when you teach you should study more to share more. As my dream is to become a Game System Analyst and Designer in order to create a game that mankind should always search for… I should have my stepping stone in teaching and sharing…

• How do I see my self ten years from now?
Actually I really don’t believe in predictions or guess regarding the future, because I believe that only God can see the future ahead. But I believe that everything that will happen today can affect the flow of the future, every actions and doings can affect the life of other… every mistakes can cause distraction to the future. And I believe that based on what I’m doing right now in making this assignment will make me a better person in the future… because it makes me think of the things that I forgot to think in present… it makes me answer the questions I forgot to answer and makes me realize that planning is really important to achieve your goal. As of now my dream is to become a Game System Analyst and Designer as what I mention earlier because I want to create a game that mankind should always search for whether a men, women, children and so on. In order to achieve this almost impossible goal well nothing’s impossible I should consider and do some of my parents teaching, to have these abilities:

o Patience – the capacity for waiting for something to come up. I should not make things especially decisions to be done rashly. I should wait for the right time and place to avoid certain mistakes.
o Peace of mind – in times of troubles and uncertainty I should think clearly in order to make things right. Just smile and think something precious, something important to have a peace of mind. If I have peace of mind I can easily understand the flow of my work and the essence of it.
o Courage – the quality of being brave, being brave to the less expected situations, to be brave in anything that will occur in my life, and I should have the courage to face the world especially my employer ^_^. To face all the challenges that the lord will give me.
o Dignity – I should have proper sense of pride and self-respect. I should know when to admit defeat and surrender. I should not have more pride or no pride at all… in any case I should satisfy myself in simple but great things.
o Humble – I should have modest and unassuming in attitude and behavior. I should not boast in what I’m doing or contribute in order for me to have a close relationship with my teammates and co-workers.
o Respect – I should have respect to others work, I should respect my teammates to have a good relationship and to be a good citizen also. I should respect my self by having a good diet and caring it… because it’s my foundation.
o Time management – I should always have my time scheduled. I should divide it properly that I can have a time for my family and myself.
o Inspired – I should be inspired on what I’m doing; I should see the benefits that will come up with my work to be inspired in finishing it. I should be inspired by my parents teaching and preaching form the very beginning, I should be inspired by some of the most successful persons who started from nothing, I should be inspired from the girl I love… ^_^
o Faith – I should believe to my self and everything around me, I should trust in my abilities for me to work well. I should have faith in God for he is the only one who can help and raise me when I’m dying form emptiness… I should believe in him that everything that happens to me has a purpose and will come up a great output and I will wait for that time 10 years from now…

I’m glad I have concerned parents who always remind me of the right things that I should do. They are the one who motivates me in pursuing my dreams in life. They are the one who keeps telling me about those good things I should consider in order for me to be a good successful IT professional. They are also the one who keeps reminding me about the bad things I should avoid and correct.
o Lack of self control – they always tell me that I have a short temper…in short a high blood since I was a kid… I always have an enemy to fight because of my attitude. I should always control my self to avoid further distraction ^_^. Also spending too much money is also lack of self control and I should avoid that.
o Waste of time – right now I could tell that I always waste my time doing stuff that doesn’t have any sense… I always submit my home works late, I always do my projects one or three days before deadlines that causes exhaustion. I should always do thing on time to avoid further delay.
o Self Abuse – by not managing my time properly I always end up making my projects over time 24 hours in two to three days which is not right… at the end of the project I end up exhausted and worst sick for three days… becoming a worthy IT professional is not all about work but including proper manage of health…
o Girls Temptations – they always remind me to give them diploma not a baby so I should focus on my studies. Anyway I have a girlfriend now an IT student also in the same school and my parents is sooo afraid… I always tell them that they should trust me for I know what the right things to do… but who knows? ^_^
Well I always have these things in my mind in order to succeed… and I should avoid and control it… anyway I can also tell that there are times that you can’t avoid it but instead you just have to correct it and control it in order to manage.

• What are my strategies to become a worthy IT professional?
My strategies are very simple… I should become a good person with a good heart to have more friends to lean on. I should follow what my heart lean on and think it right. I should be aware of what I’m doing. I should study more and research more to become aware of the changing technology. I should consider some good advises from concern people like my family, teachers and others. I should follow those good things listed above and avoid the bad ones. I should have my own strategic planning to help not just my self but everything that surrounds me. I should have goals and objectives to motivate me. Lastly I should believe in my self and pray to God that everything will be just fine ^_^.

Thank you for this assignment sir although its so mind boggling making out 3000 words, I have just recalled my past. I have answered those questions again and improve it, and still it amazes me the way I think about my course… I think everyone does about their own ideas… for me I think I can be a worthy IT professional someday and my baseline starts here…

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